Dates: February - April 2015
Skills and tools: User-centered research; product design & prototype making; system & UI design.
Group project with: Linxin Hu, Yabin Cui, Yichan Liu
Laluna is a project I did in sophomore year and it was my first attempt to design a whole system with both hardware as well as software application for our target users. Baby caring recently has becoming a hot topic, but we started from another point of view: the maternity matron, also called Yuesao in China, and then to the relevant user: baby and mother. 
Design Brief
Product Attribute: Smart Baby Caring Assistant
Product Mission: To help Yuesao take care of babies better and to ease the working burden of them. For the new mothers, it should let them know better about their babies’ condition.
Design Wish: In current market, there are products for new parents to get more experience for caring babies, but for Yuesao, they have more professional knowledge, what they need is a product that could assist them and improve their caring qualities as well as working effect. What’s more, we wish the product can offer a better experience for the family. To reduce the conflict that usually happens between parents and Yuesao, to bring a more harmony atmosphere and convenient caring process.
Focus Points:
1. When Yuesao is not with baby, she can still get the information and alarming of baby.
2. Get accurate time and temperature control.
3. While sleeping at night, an auto-monitor can help Yuesao to looking after baby’s condition.
4. More convenient for Yuesao to check baby’s body temperature.
5. Music playing to promote baby growth and relaxing Yuesao.
Secondary Research
Product Definition
Hardware Design
Interface Design
Outcomes & Scenario

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